Picture a Scientist Film&Podium; Discussion

22 September 2022 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Together with the invited panel guests and the audience, we would like to actively address the role discrimination still plays today for women of all ages and career levels in science and research.
After watching the movie “Picture a Scientist”, we invite you to talk about impressions of the film, name existing problems and discuss in a solution-oriented manner.
Time and place: 22.09.2022, 5.00 pm in Zoom
Movie: Limited amount of free individual tickets to stream the film. After registration the film is available online with an individual code from 14.09. until 21.09.2022. 
Registration mandatory: via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 19.09.2022. We will provide the code for the film and the link for the Zoom discussion.
Note: The movie is in English and the panel discussion will be in German.