
We are delighted that 2022 offered the opportunity for all LOCOTACT members to finally meet in person for our 2nd annual LOCOTACT retreat and we wish to thank each and every one cordially again for the participation.
After all the covid-related limitations, it was highly motivating and refreshing to see so many LOCOTACT members in Münster.
Especially the scientific work conducted and presented by our younger LOCOTACT members left a lasting impression.
We want to congratulate you for the achievements and strongly encourage you to proceed with such enthusiasm in your Master, PhD, MD theses and PostDoc projects.
The poster sessions have been on a remarkable high scientific level and four outstanding presentations could be awarded with poster prizes.
Four outstanding poster presentations have been awarded with prizes! Awardees from left to right: Jonas Rotter (P03), Joshua Seifert (P16), Riccardo Dore (P12) and Nina Härting (P11).
LOCOTACT is truly evolving in a scientific and personal manner. With enthusiasm we are looking forward for upcoming excellent scientific publications resulting from collaborations across the projects and research sites.
LOCOTACT projects will substantially contribute to the knowledge of rare and common diseases and we aim to apply novel technologies to push the boundaries.
We are convinced to be on the right track with our LOCOTACT projects and strongly encourage you to carry on full speed and with the positive spirit we experienced during the retreat.
Heike Heuer: New Equal Opportunity Officer, Medical Faculty, University Duisburg- Essen
We congatulate LOCOTACT PI and young faculty spokesperson Heike Heuer for the election as the Equal Opportunity Officer of the Medical Faculty, University Duisburg-Essen.

LOCOTACT Lectures - Anthony Martin Gerdes

LOCOTACT Lectures - Anthony Hollenberg
Many thanks to our guest Prof. Dr. Anthony Hollenberg, for his inspiring talk in the context of our monthly LOCOTACT lectures.
We really appreciate the new insights into thyroid hormone action Prof. Hollenberg shared and, moreover, the time he invested in the detailed and vital discussion following his talk.

LOCOTACT Workshop Series - Equal Opportunities in Research
Dagmar Führer PI in CANcer TARgeting (CANTAR) research network
The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is funding the CANcer TARgeting (CANTAR) research network with 19.4 million euros.
The overall concept of CANTAR builds on the strategic bundling of highly complementary expertise in North Rhine-Westphalia. The aim of the project is to develop new chemical substances to specifically intercept oncogenic pathways and immune escape mechanisms in cancer.
The CANTAR research at UKE is based at the WTZ and hedaed by University Professor Dr. Christian Reinhardt, Director of the Clinic for Hematology and Stem Cell Transplantation at University Hospital Essen. LOCOTACT spokesperson Dagmar Führer is a PI in the CANTAR research network: "CANTAR aims to bridge the gap gap between basic research and translational clinical cancer research and we are proud to contribute to this relevant goal."

Astrid Westendorf follows LOCOTACT Spokesperson Dagmar Führer as Vice-Rector for Research and Early-Career Researchers
Since April 2018 LOCOTACT spokesperson Dagmar Führer was the Vice-Rector for Research and Early-Career Researchers ath the University of Duisburg-Essen.
From April 2022 on, Prof. Dr. Astrid Westendorf follows Dagmar Führer in this importiant function. We wish Prof. Westendorf all the best for this new task.

Four young scientists received LOCOTACT iRTG MD Fellowships 2022!

LOCOTACT at the 65th German Congress of Endocrinology (DGE) Annual Meeting
On Saturday, 19.03.2022, the LOCOTACT symposium was chaired by Professor Dagmar Führer-Sakel (Essen) and Professor Jens Mittag (Lübeck). During the symposium, our CRC/TR 296 members Dr. Helge Müller-Fielitz, (Lübeck), Professor Lars Möller (Essen), and Professor Henrik Oster (Lübeck) gave insights in their scientific research. LOCOTACT members were present in various sessions of the congress; among them PIs Dr. Steffen Mayerl (P19), Professor Joachim Spranger (P15), and iRTG students Nuria López Alcántara (P14), and Julia Maier (P12).
Prior to opening of the DGE annual meeting, Professor Dagmar Führer-Sakel was invited to give a statement in the online press conference. In this context, she gave our consortium a stage and presented the topics and aims of LOCOTACT to the attending journalists. You can access a record of the press conference here: DGE Congress press conference
Medical Tribune LOCOTACT