
ERC Consolidator Grants for outstanding Scientific Work

Funding period extended - UMEA Clinician Scientist Program enters next round
The program "Excellence in Medicine: Clinician Scientist Academy of the University Medical Center Essen" (UMEA) will be funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with approximately 2.6 million euros for another three years.
Since 2018 UMEA is headed by LOCOTACT spokesperson Dagmar Führer, who is also Vice-Rector for Research and Early-Career Researchers at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
We congratulate for this great achievement.

Research Data Management in Medical and Biomedical Sciences
On 20 and 22 June 2022 (9:00 am - 12:30 pm) the INF project and the Research Data Services (RDS) of the University of Duisburg-Essen ( will jointly offer in cooperation with the ZB MED ( a workshop on Research Data Management (RDM) in Medical and Biomedical Sciences in the CRC/TR 296 LOCOTACT. The workshop will provide a general introduction to the basics of RDM in addition to best practices, subject-specific requirements, and examples from the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI).
The two-day workshop will take place online and is intended for all-qualification-level (bio-)medical researchers, especially for PhD/MD students of the CRC/TR 296 LOCOTACT, postdocs and PIs are also welcome to join. The course will be taught in English.

LOCOTACT Lectures - Miguel López
We thank Prof. Miguel López for his fantastic talk entitled “Obesity Wars: A new hope, hypothalamic AMPK targeting”.
Prof. López gave insights in his work and his stunning findings about hypothalamic AMPK targeting in the context of obesity treatment. His research group “NeurObesity” is based in the Center for Research in Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases (CIMUS) at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain.
We are curious about his future investigations and wish him a successful research year 2022.

Heike Heuer invited to Dutch Endocrine Meeting 2022
We are delighted about the invitation of Heike Heuer to the Dutch Endocrine Meeting 2022 in Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, on 03. and 04.02.2022.
On the second day of the Meeting, Heike Heuer held her talk on "Thyroid hormone transporters as cell-specific gate-keepters".

Karl-Oberdisse-Preis 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Steffen Mayerl (LOCOTACT PI) who has been awarded with the Karl-Oberdisse-Preis 2022!
The "Karl Oberdisse Prize" of the North Rhine-Westphalian Society of Endocrinology and Diabetology is awarded for the best clinical or experimental work in the field of endocrinology and diabetology, which has been developed to a substantial extent in North Rhine-Westphalia by a physician or scientist.

LOCOTACT Lectures - Matthias Gunzer
We thank Prof. Matthias Gunzer for his delightful talk about “Neutrophils in sterile and infectious inflammation“ with stunning images of biological structures and processes.
Prof. Gunzer demonstrated the impressive imaging possibilities his Lab and Team provides.
We enjoyed the fruitful discussion afterwards and are happy to welcome him in the future for further insights in his work.
51. Annual Congress of the DGE: Steffen Mayerl represents LOCOTACT
At this year's online Annual Meeting of the Thyroid Section of the German Society for Endocrinology (DGE), Steffen Mayerl represented LOCOTACT in his talk taking place on 17.12.2021.
Steffen's talk "Thyroid hormone transporters and brain functions" was part of the session "News on Molecular Basics", chaired by LOCOTACT spokesperson Dagmar Führer.