
Dagmar Führer live in Deutschlandfunk radio feature on thyroid diseases
LOCOTACT Spokesperson and PI Dagmar Führer was invited to the Deutschlandfunk radio feature "Sprechstunde".
There, she talked live about the thyroid gland and its diseases.
Listen to the full episode on the Deutschlandfunk website.

Dagmar Führer talks about Local TH action at annual meeting of the German Diabetes Association
LOCOTACT was also present at the Annual Meeting of the German Diabetes Association (DDG). The DDG is one of the largest medical and scientific associations in Germany with over 9,000 members, including physicians in primary and secondary care, scientists, psychologists, pharmacists, diabetes specialists and other diabetes experts.
Dagmar Führer, LOCOTACT spokesperson, was invited to this year's DDG meeting in Berlin. In the session "Endocrine-metabolic factors and cardiovascular disease", held on May, 19th 2023, she talked about "Local TH action and it relevance for metabolism and heart disease”.

LOCOTACT at 2023 RTH Meeting
LOCOTACT was well represented at this year's 14th International Workshop on Resistance to Thyroid Hormone & Thyroid Hormone Action taking place in Asilomar in Monterey, California, USA, from April 26 - 29, 2023.
P10 and P18 PI Lars Möller was invited as a Co-Chair of the Program Committee and P01, P09 and Z02 PI Heike Heuer participated in the meeting.
Furthermore, LOCOTACT was represented on this international stage by PI Steffen Mayerl (Oral presentation: "Cell-specific functions of TH transporters in the mouse CNS") and PhD student Christoph Hoppe (Oral presentation: "Local thyroid hormone action in alcoholic liver disease").

Dagmar Führer - New Vice Chairwoman of The German Society of Internal Medicine
The General Assembly of the German Society of Internal Medicine (DGIM) took place during the 129th Congress of Internists in April 2023 and involved personnel changes in the society's board.
The general assembly of the DGIM elected LOCOTACT spokesperson Dagmar Führer as a new member of the Board and 3. Vice Chairwoman. Find an article on the election in the March Issue of the "Endokrinologe Informationen" here.
We cordially congratulate Dagmar Führer to this new role.
Steffen Mayerl speaks at RTH Workshop
Steffen Mayerl was invited to this year's RTH Workshop, Asilomar, California, USA.
He represented our LOCOTACT consortium and talked on 26.04.2023 about "Cell-specific functions of TH transporters in the mouse CNS”.

BMBF funds Advanced CS Programme UMEA2
The University Medicine Essen Clinician Scientist Academy (UMEA) and the Advanced Clinician Scientist (ACS) program UMEA2 stand for excellent research and clinical expertise in Essen.
The Advanced Clinician Scientist (ACS) program UMEA2 is designed to enable research-active physicians to combine clinical activity and research. The target group of the new program are medical specialists who have completed or will soon complete their habilitation and who are able to lead their own research group. UMEA2 is headed by Prof. Ulrike Bingel with LOCOACT Spokesperson Dagmar Führer-Sakel as co-applicant and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
For early career Clinician Scientists, the program UMEA offers the opportunity to obtain further scientific qualifications under optimal conditions parallel to their clinical work. In February 2022 UMEA has been approved for a further two years by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and has been in existence since 2019 under the direction of LOCOTACT spokesperson Dagmar Führer-Sakel.
Find more information on UMEA and UMEA2 here.

Steffen Mayerl invited to ErasmusMC Lecture Series on Endocrinology
The Lectures on Endocrinology organized by the department of Internal medicine at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam are monthly meetings based on a wide spectrum of the endocrinology field. Invited (international) speakers are worldwide experts in their field with an outstanding list of scientific achievements. Lectures are both clinical as well as research based.
On 13.04.2023 LOCOTACT PI Steffen Mayerl was invited to this online seminar and talked about "Cell-specific roles of thyroid hormone transporters"
Kristina Lorenz represents LOCOTACT at Annual Meeting of the German Cardiac Society
LOCOTACT was represented at the 89th Meeting of the German Cardiac Society (DGK).
Our PI Kristina Lorenz was invited to this year's DGK meeting in Mannheim. Her talk in the session "Endocrine-metabolic factors and cardiovascular diseases", held on April, 12th 2023, was entitled "Intracellular thyroid hormone sensitivity and their possible role for heart diseases?"

Inspiring and motivating insights into diverse career options
The LOCOTACT Career Days were a successful event for all participants and guest speakers! We look back on two days of great insights into the many career opportunities available to our Clinician Scientists, PostDocs, and MDs and PhDs.
Many thanks go to: Dagmar Führer, Alexander Boreham, Kostja Renko, Timo Müller, Marius Richter, Christian Strasburger, Denise Zwanziger, Peter Kühnen, Corina Madreiter-Sokolowski, Roman Rehor, Vedrana Tabor, Niels-Peter Becker, Mariel Morales-Sahm, Thomas Wallach & Bettina Otto.
For more details, please have a look on our programme.