
LOCOTACT Lectures – Antonio Bianco
We are excited that Antonio Bianco shared his fascinating research with the Consortium in the March 2024 LOCOTACT Lecture. The University of Chicago professor presented his findings on the influence of T3 on chromatin conformations in mouse liver and liver organoids. The lecture was entitled "Localised T3 production modifies development and the epigenome of the adult mouse liver".
We are proud that Antonio Bianco accepted our invitation to give a talk and would like to thank him for his impressive presentation and an insightful discussion.

LOCOTACT at 67th annual meeting of the German Society of Endocrinology
In 2024, the annual meeting of the German Society of Endocrinology (DGE) took place in Rostock from 06th to 08th of March.
We are proud that several of our early career scientists were elected for an oral presentation to present their science:
Rajas Sane (P16)
Christoph Hoppe (P18)
Miriam Sommer-Ballarini (P15)
Yingfu Chen (P15)
Several further abstracts of LOCOTACT early career scientists have been chosen for poster presentations: Jonas Rotter, Caroline Frädrich, Joshua Seifert, Ann-Kathrin Schörding & Yara Maria Machlah.
Congratulations to Joshua Seifert (P16) who has been awarded with a poster prize!
Christoph Hoppe presenting at DGE 2024.

LOCOTACT Lectures – Frédéric Flamant
We are very delighted that Frédéric Flamant accepted our invitation to give a LOCOTACT Lecture in February 2024.
The scientist from ENS de Lyon gave a talk titled “Using thyroid hormone receptor genetics to understand the function of thyroid hormone in the brain cortex”. He explained how his group elucidates the effect of thyroid hormone on specific neurons in the brain of developing and adult mice.
We thank Frédéric Flamant for his inspiring and informative lecture and for the lively discussion.

LOCOTACT Publication on the cover of Thyroid
LOCOTACT deputy speaker Jens Mittag and his team made it on the cover of the journal Thyroid with their latest publication! Congratulations!
Check out their publication "Hypothalamic Thyroid Hormone Receptor α1 Signaling Controls Body Temperature" here and the Thyroid issue February 2024 here.

DGE journal "Endokrinologie Informationen" reports on LOCOTACT
The DGE journal "Endokrinologie Informationen" reports on the CRC/TR 296 - LOCOTACT. The article describes the interdisciplinary science of LOCOTACT and the scientific progress made in recent years. It also details the success of the international conference and looks to the future.
The article is available to members of the DGE on the homepage:

Joint Online Event Series 2023 - Embedding gender equality in policy, management and personnel
Yesterday afternoon the last event in the Joint Online Event Series organized by LOCOTACT and the TRR 289 Treatment Expectation took place.
The talk profoundly discussed the extensive approach of the University of Graz to diversity and gender equality.
Dr. Christoph Glatz delved into specific interventions and tools employed by the University of Graz and offered insights into their successes and limitations. The key messages emphasised the importance of accountability, monitoring, incentives, and sanctions as crucial factors for achieving positive outcomes. The talk also underscored that the quality of interventions play a vital role in ensuring the long-term sustainability of their effects.
We thank all participants of this lecture and the past event of the series for their interest.

Leonardo de Assis receives Best Science Award 2023
Congratulations to LOCOTACT member Leonardo de Assis for receiving the 2023 Best Science Award of University Lübeck.
Also, LOCOTACT-associated Clinician Scientist from P07, Jannik Prasuhn, was honoured with The Renate-Maaß Price!
Find the corresponding press release here and a post in X here.
We congratulate both for this great achievement!

Sebastian Hönes receives DFG funding
Congratulations to Sebastian Hönes, LOCOTACT PostDoc from P18.
He was today granted a 3-year funding by the DFG for his project
"The role of guanine-quadruplexes in cell type-specific transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of thyroid hormone receptors TRα1 and TRα2"
We wish him every success with this research project!

First hybrid LOCOTACT lecture with Christoph Kuppe
We were very pleased that PD Christoph Kuppe, Division of Nephrology and Clinical Immunology from RWTH University, Medical Faculty, Aachen visited us in Essen for our LOCOTACT Lecture in October 2023.
PD Dr. med. Kuppe talked about the research conducted in his lab including usage of multi-omics data and analysis of human FFPE tissue with the MERFISH technique.
Thank you for this impressing presentation!